'It's a short-range Scud missile which they are allowed to test. Nevertheless, we always call on the North Koreans to refrain from provocative action,' Col. Steve Warren, the Pentagon spokesman, said Thursday after the first firing. 美国国防部发言人沃伦(SteveWarren)在上周四朝鲜首次发射导弹后表示,这种短程飞毛腿导弹允许朝鲜试射,不过美国一直呼吁朝鲜避免采取挑行动。
Maneuverable Capability Analysis of Advanced Short-range Dogfight Air to Air Missile 新一代近距格斗空空导弹机动能力分析
The analysis of ability to all-aspect attack of short-range dog fight air-to-air missile CAS aircraft must break off the attack. 近距格斗空空导弹全向攻击能力分析近距离空中支援飞机必须取消攻击。
Thermal-structural coupling analysis on wing short-range hypersonic missile 近程高超音速导弹弹翼热结构耦合分析
Effectiveness Evaluation of Low-level Short-range Ground-to-air Missile Based on Grey Cluster Ned to attack targets between long-range and short-range 基于灰色聚类的低空近程地空导弹效能评估
The Iron Dome, which deals with short-range rockets, will be integrated into Israel's overall missile defense shield. 铁穹号主要应对短程火箭,将被整合入以色列的整体导弹防御体系。
Firstly, the modern air-combat ′ s requirements for new generation short-range dogfight IR missile are analyzed in the article, and it is pointed out that interception of cruise missile will be combat mission of new generation short-range dogfight IR missile. 分析了现代空战对新一代红外近距格斗导弹的要求,指出拦截巡航导弹将成为新一代红外格斗导弹的作战使命。
It is especially important for short-range air-to-air dogfight missile because it has great bearing not only on safety of the carrying aircraft, but also on the missile's combating effect. 特别是对于近距格斗导弹来说它不仅涉及载机的安全,还关系到导弹的作战效果。
Study on the Short-range Laser Detonator with single system using for conventional missile 一种单体制激光近炸引信光学系统设计及分析
Finally, the key technologies generally used by new generation short-range dogfight IR missile, such as the advanced aerodynamic configuration/ system design, IIR guidance, aerodynamic/ TVC complex control and small strap-down inertial guidance system, are discussed. 最后对新一代红外近距格斗导弹普遍采用的关键技术&气动外形与系统设计、红外成像制导、气动力/推力矢量复合控制、小型捷联惯导等进行了探讨。
Design of zero time for short-range air-to-air dogfight missile 近距格斗空空导弹的归零时间设计
Development trends of short-range dogfight IR air to air missile 红外近距格斗空空导弹发展展望
Comprehensive Fire Application for Antimissile Ability of Short-range and Point Defense Ship to Air Missile in Ship Formation 近程点防御导弹编队反导弹综合火力运用
Two flight plannings and trajectory calculation method of short-range air-to-ship missile are studied. Calculation for certain missile as an example is made. 研究了近程空舰导弹两种飞行方案的设计及弹道计算方法,并以某型导弹为例进行了计算。